Around Town – July 23

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

July 23

Orchids to

the city garage crew for a job well done!

Julie, Rocky and Mel, the A-team at Centra Credit Union for always providing excellent customer service.

the local senior living facility for having a wonderful cookout and for caring about the residents.

the county highway eepartment and paving contractor for a timely job well done on the 25th Street project.

the Commons for the rules they put in place.

Goode Tree Care for being responsible, professional and friendly, from the lady and her grandson.

a gallon of gas costing 30 percent less than it did a year ago and unemployment on par with 50 year lows, down by almost half since President Biden took office.

Mickey May for helping your family, from Luretta.

John Krull for detailing the moral decay in Indiana’s majority party.

Happy Birthday to

Aanda Carrigan, from Bethel Baptist Church.

George Ferguson.

Wyatt on No. 7, from Mommy and Daddy.

Happy Anniversary to

Joyce and Gary Bragg, from your family, Leta and Donna.