Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.
Aug. 9
Orchids to
Hope Baptist Church for the delicious back to school lunch and extra school supplies for our classrooms, from Hope Elementary teachers and staff.
Dolores Nielson for being a dedicated Turning Point volunteer since 2014, from Turning Point.
Steven Mohler for being a dedicated Turning Point volunteer since 2009, from Turning Point.
all those who worked so hard to make the 50th reunion of the 1973 last graduating class of Columbus High School a big success.
Hotel Indigo for collecting bath and hand towels for use in our lab, from Smith STEM Lab.
the Columbus Brass Quintet for enhancing our worship at St Peter’s on Sunday.
Lee Shipman’s letter.
any possibility that part of that ARP money gets put into much needed pickleball courts in the area.
my doctor, Dr. Megan Brock, for helping out with my sore, thank you very much.
Gwen Kresovsky, for being a caring and helpful nurse practitioner.
Aaron at the window at Burger King for being a pleasant smiling employee, from a senior customer.
Macy at Kroger check-out for having such a nice, sweet, helpful personality.
Matt Ellegood and your sweetie for coming to my rescue a week ago when I had my wreck on 300S, very very much appreciated.
Onions to
the architectural wonder bridge at State Road 46 and I-65.
the dangerous stop sign entering I-65 North at Columbus.
deciding to asphalt that most western part of the People Trail/sidewalk upgrade along Rockyford Road.
the parents responsible for their children in the park, and the one who is watching children in the park!
the former leader who on social media called for the termination of the Constitution because he couldn’t face the fact that he lost the election.
Americans policing their fellow Americans.
big pharma for charging way too much money for prescriptions.
the golf courses that charge $25 and $20 for spectator golf carts.
the three cars that all ran the light at 25th Street and U.S. 31.
the office for not manning voter registration.
Happy Birthday to
Beth Sullivan, from Joseph Hart Chapter DAR.
Krista and Todd, from your Faith Lutheran families.