Nov. 29
Orchids to
Niki Kelly and Brian Daggy for letting us know about the environmental concerns regarding water usage by commercial entities in Indiana.
the Columbus City Band for their joyful concert Sunday afternoon.
the honest person who found my wallet in the Sans Souci parking lot and turned it into the office, very much appreciated.
parents who teach their kids to wear seat belts at an early age so buckling up becomes ingrained as second nature and not an option when they are teenagers.
Columbus Baptist Church for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and all who helped there and delivered and served the food.
Dr. Dan Vermillion and the staff at Columbus Animal Hospital for the excellent care of Joey, from the Larsons.
Onions to
the column about the disgraceful conduct both verbal and physical by certain members of Congress acting like day care children.
not thinking if every temporary art installation becomes permanent you’ll have a lot of junk cluttered around not to mention the maintenance required.
Happy Birthday to
Doug Sanders, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.
Brent Garrison, from your family, Deb and Donna.
Connie Newcombe, from your family and Donna.
Susan Calloway, from your family, Tracey and Donna.
Tannor Lockridge on No. 6, love Mommy, Daddy, Haleigh, Aunt Taryn, Uncle Eddie, Eayon, Sydney, Grammy, and Granddad.
Naomi Fleetwood Pyle, from Luretta
Isaac Scott O’Haver, with love, from dad and mom and the family.