Around Town – Feb. 27

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Feb. 27

Onions to

the previously elected federal elected official who bullies everyone and anyone who gets in his way, but remains tight lipped, and takes a knee to another bully, Putin.

the lack of logic in closing schools, essential health care and government offices for fear of traffic jams during the eclipse and yet having festivals and activities to draw even bigger crowds.

those who don’t realize that former president has not been convicted.

people who make U-turns at intersections where it is not legal in most cases.

the plastic glass given out to my friend who paid full price to attend Saturday’s wine tasting as opposed to the commemorative glass made for the occasion.

city utilities for letting a new factory in town get so far out of compliance and take over half the city wastewater treatment plant in two years.

Happy Birthday to

Darrell Day, from Friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

John Kerns on No. 56, from Kari and family.

Happy Belated Birthday

Trina Skaggs, from Jeff and Debi Bailey.