Around Town – March 5

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

March 5

Orchids to

Michael Leppert for a great column on the legislature trying to curtail universities’ independence.

Pastor Mike on Sunday for the nice ceremony for the remarriage of my daughter and her husband.

Onions to

politician referring to a group of human beings as a source of poison for the United States of America.

the former elected official who has waged war on the American system and no prosecutor to date has been able to stop him in a way that protects our country.

the business that has started charging customers 3% charge for using their credit card and did not give a verbal notice.

the well-intentioned church donation that may turn into another “albatross around the neck” of local taxpayers.

censorship and removal of any books from libraries, and the wrong message it’s sending to our children.

all the spring type weather.

the Alabama judge disregarding church-state separation principles by using Christian reasoning regarding in vitro fertilization.

the highest judicial court who decided to punt on the issue of insurrectionists’ ineligibility.

the neighbor or her roomie who parks in front of my house and yard instead of their own.

the person who wants to be senator but has never done anything except ride a bicycle.

the former guy who continues to think and say he is running against Barack Obama and now confusing himself with Barack Obama saying at a rally that he himself passed the VA accountability Act which was actually signed by Barack Obama in 2014.