Hamilton ice center project donations continue to grow

The financial campaign to raise $400,000 for a girls locker room addition at Hamilton Community Center and Ice Arena has edged to $35,000 — about $25,000 more since the Jan. 6 Plunge Into Parks outdoor polar plunge initial fundraiser in downtown Columbus.

The Columbus Park Foundation organized that event. Celeste Reynolds, Columbus Parks and Recreation’s project and resource development manager, said that the original June target goal date will be moved back slightly in order to hit the total needed. Reynolds added that campaign organizers expect about 50 percent or more of the needed funds to come from grants that are just beginning to be pursued.

For example, the city will provide $200,000 for the effort, according to Reynolds.

People can donate at this link: https://www.columbusparkfoundation.org/hccia-girls-locker-room/.

A major summer fundraiser for the cause is being organized now and will be announced soon.

Reynolds also mentioned that donations ranging from $5 to $20 are coming almost daily in from local residents who are giving at the ice arena’s front desk because they use the facility regularly and appreciate having it.

The ice arena needs to expand in order to better serve the community and visitors, according t0 organizers. Hamilton does not have a dedicated space for girls and women to use.

Currently, female skaters currently must change clothes in the facility’s equipment room. That space accommodates three skaters at a time.

Organizers say that, as the Girl’s Hockey League, along with figure skating and other ice programs, continue to grow, the participants need a locker room to get ready.

This additional locker room will give the venue the opportunity to host more hockey tournaments including women’s hockey events and bigger men’s tournaments. And project leaders say bringing in bigger tournaments will increase sports tourism benefiting the city’s economy through hotel stays, restaurant visits and more.