Utilities team competes in challenge

A team from Columbus City Utilities staff competed in the Indiana Wastewater Environment Association (IWEA) Wastewater Challenge. The yearly event brings together operators and professionals from around the state to compete in different events in one day. These events test the skills, knowledge, and experience in various tasks that are involved with wastewater.

The 2024 IWEA Wastewater Challenge was held at the Western Hancock Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant on May 14. The six events consisted of: Laboratory, Operations & Maintenance, Residuals & Recovery, Collection Systems, Pretreatment, and Safety. The competitive teams rely on their wits, experience, and diverse members for the high score that will advance them to the Water Environment Federation’s Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC)to represent Indiana in the National Challenge in the fall. Columbus Utilities was one of 13 teams competing for one of the two spots that advance to WEFTEC. Competition was very close this year and the top spots were separated by only a few points. The Columbus Utilities team competed against other teams from several larger cities which included Lafayette, South Bend, Bloomington, Marion, and Fort Wayne.

Columbus City Utilities team members were: Travis Calhoun, Wastewater Plant Superintendent; Chris Murray, Wastewater Plant Operator; Bret Hollman, Wastewater Plant Maintenance/Operator; and Randy Duckworth, Special Projects Coordinator. The team placed third in Pretreatment; second in Operations & Maintenance; second in Residuals; and third place overall.