Local Opinion

Letter: Seeking meaning outside church’s walls

From: Jon Templeman Edinburgh I am searching for answers. I write this on a Sunday morning, as many people are...

Increased uncertainty fuels high volatility in market

Volatility returned with a vengeance in the first quarter of 2015, as investors grappled with increasing uncertainty associated with Federal Reserve (“Fed”) policy, signs...

Letter: Inclusion, compromise at heart of servant leadership

From: Richard Gold Columbus What makes Columbus special? What one thing makes our city remarkable, unexpected and unforgettable? Is it...

Letter: Republican leadership’s actions inappropriate

From: Louis Arterburn Columbus After watching what has been happening during this campaign season, I can no longer hold back...

Letter: Election will decide culture of government

From: Lance Snider Columbus Citizens of Columbus are paying especially close attention to the election that will decide our next...

Letter: Mayor went above, beyond promises

From: Rusty Richards Columbus As a resident of Columbus, I am astounded by the accomplishments of the current resident of...

Letter: Unnecessary loss of trust has damaged city

From: Isaac Marr Wilkins Columbus I am deeply concerned about the way our current mayor has created a divisive and...

Letter: Divisive atmosphere counterproductive

From: Ed and Lynne Sullivan Columbus As we prepare to leave Columbus after 35 wonderful years, we want to thank...

Letter: Vote for accomplishments, not litany of criticism

From: Jerry Horn Columbus Upon reading the letters to the editor over the course of the past 60 days, it...

Letter: Lienhoop’s work comes up short

From: Harold Weber Columbus I thought I'd share and give my opinion on the research I've done on the two...