Local Opinion

Niki Kelly: New rule stifles debate in the Indiana Senate


The Indiana Senate recently changed a rule related to floor decorum that threatens to shut down debate in the chamber, especially the voice of the minority party.

John Krull: Indiana’s attorney general and other natural disasters


It’s time to take Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita seriously.

Tracy Souza: Iconic tower repair fund nears its lofty goal


This past year we have explored several unique and beautiful forms of individual philanthropy. Today’s subject is a broad community-based philanthropic partnership. It’s the story of the First Christian Church Tower.

Editorial: Treatment program graduations show recovery is possible


Local programs are making a big difference for a small number of individuals who have made the best of an opportunity to break free from the grip of addiction and crime.

Lee Hamilton: After the election comes reality


Right now, all across the country, politicians who just got elected to Congress or their state legislature for the first time are reveling in their victories. It’s an intoxicating time — and I can tell you, when you win an election, it feels like the world’s at your fingertips. People are calling and texting and emailing, you’re in great demand, and nothing seems impossible.

Harry Litman: Jury verdicts deliver truth about Jan. 6


The conviction of Oath Keepers leaders Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs on charges of seditious conspiracy is a historic legal victory for the Department of Justice, but it is much more than that as well.

Michael Leppert: Indiana’s horrific public health standing a willful choice


In the opening scene to the classic film “Animal House,” two freshmen walk by the statue of Emil Faber, the founder of the fictitious Faber College. The quote on the statue’s plaque is simple: “Knowledge is good.”