Local Opinion

Put away näive belief in guaranteed employment

By Maryann O. Keating In the civics section of the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress, eighth-graders were tested on this question: “Which of the...

Many Hoosiers stuck in the middle

By Teresa Lubbers Across Indiana, employers are reporting the same problem: not enough qualified candidates to meet workforce demands. Gone are the days of high-paying...

Ash Wednesday serves as reminder of our mortality

By John Armstrong “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Pastors and priests around the world speak those words to the faithful...

Changes to state’s solar policy foolish

By Sanya Carley and David Konisky Indiana Senate Bill 309, introduced by Sen. Brandt Herschman, proposes to fundamentally change Indiana’s solar energy policy. The proposed...

Commission should approve proposed degree in architecture

Indiana University's proposed Master of Architecture program, which would be administered in Columbus, is a step from formal approval. And if the Indiana Commission...

Letter: Lawmakers’ vote goes against women’s rights

From: Rhonda Fischer Columbus There were several disturbing quotes from state Rep. Milo Smith, R-Columbus, in The Republic’s Feb. 18 article titled “Smith blocks vote, draws...

Letter: Hate crime legislation in Indiana not needed

From: Larry Boxler Columbus I respectfully disagree with Bob Pitman that Indiana must pass hate crime legislation. There is little evidence that hate crime laws act...

Letter: Hospital booklet brings back fond memories

From: Shirley Todd Columbus Thanks to all who contributed to the booklet "CRH: One Hundred Years of Caring," which is very informative and sure brought back...

Decades of a diner: Seventh Street eatery known as Jill’s has stood test of...

By Harry McCawley Columbus’ downtown has undergone a lot of changes over the past 50 years, so many that anyone who left here around that...

Proposed CAFO bill not good change

The issue of regulating confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) can be a contentious topic, as events in Bartholomew County showed. After two years of committee...