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Astrograph: Sunday horoscopes – June 1


If you take pride in your work, opportunities will unfold. Express yourself honestly, direct your energy wisely and help yourself and those in need. Start a movement and make a difference. Personal growth and gain are within reach; it’s up to you to cherish each moment and recognize the possibilities.

Astrograph: Sunday horoscopes – May 25


Discipline and hard work will pay off. Concentrate on what you want to achieve and refuse to let anyone disrupt your plans. Focus and discipline will lead to positive change and opportunities this year. How you conduct yourself will influence how people evaluate you. Don’t lose sight of your goal, and you will set an example for others and give your confidence and reputation a boost.

Astrograph: Sunday horoscopes – May 18


Pay attention to what’s going on behind the scenes. Seek knowledge and make decisions that will add stability to your life and encourage you to surround yourself with valuable people. Your success will depend on how you use information to formulate long-term plans. Being open and receptive will be key.

Astrograph: Sunday horoscopes – May 11


Take the initiative and implement positive change. Start with yourself by resetting your routine to suit your needs. Balance your life to ensure you get the chance to recharge. Put aside time to reflect and initiate what makes you happy and at peace with yourself. Control what happens next by refusing to let outsiders dictate your next move. Love yourself, and everything else will fall into place.

Ryan Trares: A favorite rite of spring — seeing how it grows


Another springtime rite has come to pass — and it’s my favorite one yet.