On March 14, 2021, at the age of 80, Judy Secrest would like to let you know that her work here is done. She received a call, a sort of a new job offering that one can’t refuse. It was for an appointment from which she will not be returning. This assignment comes with a huge sign-on bonus, a reunion with family and friends she has not seen in a long time. The job offers wonderful security and endless benefits. Her new mission takes her to a beautiful and amazing place where she will get to do what she loved most in life; spending time with family and friends, socializing, playing card games, sewing, dancing, and reading to her heart’s content (and even having the chance to see her favorite old western movie stars). Music, laughter and surrounded by those she loved while eating delicious food (while never gaining an ounce) are guaranteed.
She didn’t have to leave detailed instructions for her husband and children to celebrate her mission here. She knew how much her family cherished their time together and embraced those moments at every “weekly dinner at mom’s”, every annual family vacation, holiday, and any other time they spent together.
She was the Vice-President of her household and extremely successful as the wife of Dr. Scott E. Secrest, mother to six (6) children; Susan Secrest, Patsy Secrest, Charlotte Rich, Aimee Rodriguez, F. Scott Secrest, E. Chad Secrest, and grandmother of eight (8) and great-grandmother of two (2). And, in her final days, she was still giving orders to her youngest brother, Jarrett Broy, of West Frankfort, Illinois where her life began. It was there that she was born to the late Charles and Ilene Broy on December 24, 1940, making Christmas her favorite holiday. She is preceded in death by her brother Charles Broy, Jr.
It was also in West Frankfort, Illinois where she met a young city-slicker from Canton, Ohio and college student, Scott E. Secrest, while working at a dental lab. Their loyalty to the friends they had still exist today. In 1963 Scott and Judy married. Together they had four girls and because they have such a great sense of humor, they decided to have twin boys.
Judy was a skilled seamstress and took pride in designing and sewing skating costumes for the annual Lincoln Center Skate Club Ice Show. For over 30 years, Judy led a large team of volunteers in her home, sewing approximately 300 costumes per year, with thousands of hand-placed crystals. It wasn’t unusual for her husband to go off to work with a piece of glitter or sequin stuck his face after their morning kiss goodbye. When not working on the ice show, Judy used her talents to design and sew competition and practice skating dresses, often without a pattern.
The simplest pleasures in life brought Judy great joy and made her laugh; like her son Scott calling her “Feetie Pie” (aka Sweetie Pie) rather than “mom” in public from the age of two until the day of her passing. Her moto was: “I’ll be there”. And she never missed an opportunity to attend an event for her children or grandchildren or be there for anyone who needed her.
The addition of in-laws; Vicente, Harold, Camille, and more grandchildren meant more to love, and more to cook for, which she loved to do. She never had rules only expectations; be home for holidays and weekly family dinner, show up for family vacations, do chores, ‘ kiss and make-up’ when fighting, and be there for each other no matter what. There wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t see, or hear, from her children or without a laugh. She was one of the funniest people you could ever met, often making fun of herself.
She fulfilled her childhood dream of having a loving husband who was her best friend, a big tight-knit family that spent most of their time with her and did everything together until her passing.
We want to let her know that she did the most amazing job and hope you all wish her a safe journey. We will remember her incredible smile, her warmth, her energy, her love for life, family and friends, but also for the hundreds of children that her work inspired over the years. She laughed up until the very end. She made a difference in the lives of many. We invite you to join us and celebrate together.
ARRANGEMENTS: Life Celebration will take place on Saturday, March 27th at 11:30 AM TO 2:00 PM at the Hamilton Center Ice Arena.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that you please donate in Judy’s memory to the PARK FOUNDATION to benefit Columbus youth wanting to participate in figure skating and hockey activities who need financial assistance. Please make your check payable to “Park Foundation”. Include “JUDY SECREST” on the memo line. Checks can be brought to the Celebration of Life or mailed to: Columbus Parks Department, P. O. Box 858, Columbus, IN 47202