Letter: Rep. Greg Pence earns vote for reflecting local values

Businessman using laptop computer

From: DeWayne Hines


One might not have realized it is an election year, except for the fact that The Republic is yet again using column inches to attack our congressman, Greg Pence.

The recent editorial entitled “Rep. Pence’s choice of words a disservice” (March 16) is proof that the congressman’s only true opponent in 2022 is our hometown newspaper.

On March 10, The Republic printed a story under the headline “Pence opposes plan for Ukraine aid,” though this week’s editorial breezes past that by noting that the congressman “did vote last week for military aid for Ukraine.”

The Republic further defends the bill in question by telling us readers that it “resulted from bipartisan negotiation.” Yet, in the same breath states that it passed the House on partisan lines with “most Republicans in opposition.”

Democrats, with Nancy Pelosi at the helm, use shenanigans like hijacking this bill as yet another wheelbarrow to haul billions of dollars in earmarks for pork projects to advance their liberal agenda.

With gas prices soaring and inflation inflicting real pain on every American, it is clear who is putting politics first and it isn’t Congressman Greg Pence.

It is a shame our paper shows their partisanship by devoting so much time and ink attacking our Congressman.

The bottom line is this: Greg Pence represents this district well and takes our values to Washington. I see what he’s doing and he doesn’t have a messaging problem. The Republic has a credibility problem. He has earned my vote!

Editor’s note: This letter is paid political content. It is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.