Around Town – Aug. 21

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

Aug. 21

Orchids to

cleaning up the fence rows and putting down mulch and adding flowers at Petersville Park. It is much appreciated!

John Armstrong for his excellent letter.

the people who comforted our kids after their accident on Second Street and helping to put on the spare tire, from the Hawkins family.

having the courage to post a dire historical quote as a warning that we are about to repeat history if we don’t pay attention to our past.

John Krull for his “spot on” column.

voters who join together to remove from office representatives who idolize the former president and do anything to please him.

John Krull for another great column in Saturday’s Republic.

Julie Oliver for taking me to PromptMed and waiting for over 1-1/2 hours for me to get done, from Judy S.

Scott Keen, amen on your excellent letter.

Scott Keen for his spot-on letter.

the red-headed young waitress on Thursday at Waffle House on Jonathan Moore Pike who paid for my food, from the fire victims. I really appreciated it.

Scott Keen and views in the letter to the editor in Friday’s paper.

the powerful and clear-eyed letter from Scott Keen.

John Krull for a fine column in the Saturday paper.

John Krull, again, for the column in Saturday’s edition, from Sheila.

Donald J. Trump for always telling the truth no matter how unpopular it is and joining the side of the right and standing up for God and country.

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who are doing their best to guide the party of Lincoln out of the morass of the former leader’s creation.

Happy Birthday to

Thirapan Thiragirayuta, from your family and Donna.

Keith Dick, from your family and Donna.

Dana Drake-Cox, from your family and Donna.

M’Liss Fier, from your family and Donna.

Karen Love, from Margie.