Around Town – May 1

Editor’s Note: Submissions to Around Town are opinions submitted anonymously by readers, not factual representations, and do not reflect the viewpoints of The Republic or its staff.

May 1

Orchids to

Mrs. Wheeldon for all of her work with the BCSC school board, Cummins, and the community.

The Ridge volunteers who spread mulch, pulled weeds, and made my yard look great. Very much appreciated.

CRH for cleaning up its vacant property at State Road 46 and I-65, building a grass seeded berm to conceal unsightly piles of rubble and greatly improving the appearance of Columbus’ front door.

all who register and vote working to fight back against the supermajority gerrymandering to bring forward progress to the state instead of allowing it to go back to unaccepting excluding norms of the 1950s.

Happy Birthday to

Raul Valero-Osuna, from your family and Donna.

Carol Weddle, from Pam & Kenny, Brenda, Cheryl, Deb, Tim and Terry.

Franklin Capes, from friends at Bethel Baptist Church.

Troy Todd, love Mom.

Stanley Henry, from your family.

Happy Anniversary to

Tim and Marty Hirons, from your family and Donna.