Looking Back – May 27

Taylor Martinez shoots hoops as Braylon Shipley watches on May 26, 2014, at Donner Aquatic Center in Columbus.

From The Republic archives


Donner Aquatic Center was in full swing for opening day, with kids and adults enjoying the pool and the slide. The fun in the sun was a stark contrast to 2013’s opening that was a flop after cold temperatures and rain set in for the weekend.


A group of Columbus high school seniors was invited to teacher Betsy Serra’s house to dig up a time capsule they had buried in 1989. The students were all in Serra’s second grade class at Clifty Creek Elementary School when they filled the capsule with handwritten letters, then buried it.


Bartholomew County 4-Hers won both the group act and curtain act at the district 4-H Share the Fun Contest at Jennings County High School. The group act was performed by the German Township Willing Workers 4-H Club and the curtain act was performed by Kathy Dodd and Mary Epperson of Hope.