Local Features

Viewpoint Bestsellers


Viewpoint Books’ Bestseller List – March 20, 2024 (for March 30 publication)

Vernon Sassafras Tea Festival plans brewing


VERNON — The longest running festival in Jennings County is set to return later this month, with planners for the Sassafras Tea Festival and Civil War Living History in Vernon setting a slate of free weekend activities on April 27 and 28.

Take Your Best Shot: Karen Porter


Karen Porter took this picture of this piece of history at the Annual Reeves Festival at Henry Breeding Farm.

Hope Ministerial Association plans Sunday eclipse-themed service


Pastor Andy Kilps understands that Monday’s coming total solar eclipse is totally a big deal.

Husband-wife piano duo to present eclipse-themed recital Sunday


Bogdan and Mirabella Minut’s musical hopes will be sky-high Sunday. The husband-wife duo will present “Total Eclipse,” a loosely eclipsed-themed free duet recital at 6 p.m. Sunday at Columbus’ St. Bartholomew Catholic Church, where Bogdan serves as director of music ministry.

Ryan Trares: Anxiety and eggs, followed by a scramble


The anxiety came from a wholly unexpected place.

Take Your Best Shot: Audrey McFarlane


Jonesville’s Audrey McFarlane captured this shot of an albino squirrel while in town.

Take Your Best Shot: Barbara Fisher


Barbara Fisher took this picture of her rose bushes.

Go! Guide – April 3


Kids and teens

Local favorite piano man Tony DeSare set for Thursday cabaret


Pianist Tony DeSare has an answer as ready as his showtime storytelling when asked if he still sometimes goes all Jerry-Lee-Lewis-crazy in concert and kinetically pounds the instrument with his frenzied feet as he did in Columbus once.