
Letter: Voters must support ‘cathedral builders’ with vote

From: Joe Lohmeyer Columbus I have known Jim Lienhoop for the 61 years God has graced my life on earth....

Letter: Brown has made good on campaign promises

From: Jim Foulke Columbus Just over four years ago, I inquired, "Who is Kristen Brown?" I was promptly told of...

Letter: Lienhoop’s work comes up short

From: Harold Weber Columbus I thought I'd share and give my opinion on the research I've done on the two...

Letter: A critical decision is before us

From: Jesse Brand Columbus I am proud to say I have lived in Columbus for 65 years. I have observed...

Letter: Fight for new Commons symbol of leadership

From: Mickey Kim Columbus There are always folks who don’t let the facts get in the way of a good...

Letter: City needs to find way back to civility

From: Basil Fritsch Columbus I previously lived in Chicago for 70 years, where I witnessed multiple ways to subvert the...

Letter: Dementia patients, caregivers need our support

From: Rebekah Chastain Columbus As a health care professional and an activities director, I wanted to write on the important...

Letter: Results of CDI efforts speak for themselves

From: Belinda Graber Columbus An active, thriving downtown is the key to a strong community, a community where businesses are...

Letter: Ex-mayor: Proud of legacy of accomplishments

From: Fred Armstrong Columbus One of the great honors of my lifetime was to serve as mayor of Columbus. Columbus...

Letter: Lienhoop’s criticism of Brown baseless

From: Noel Taylor Columbus Though I go to church with Mayor Kristen Brown’s challenger, I don’t know him and cannot...