Looking Back – December 9

Heraldic trumpeters Dana Deardorff, left, and George Kuhns, decked out in red, green and gold velvet, announced the start of the first of six Madrigal dinners held at Gene's Restaurant in 1969 by Columbus Arts Guild. From The Republic archives


Members of Bartholomew County Council rescinded their earlier decision to give raises to themselves and elected officials but went ahead with raises of $1,000 for full-time county employees.


Part of the People Trail between Mill Race and Noblitt parks, one of the city’s most popular stretches of walking paths, which was severely damaged during flooding the previous year, was rerouted to move it farther from the river and possibly avoid future water damage.


A new pay schedule calling for an overall 8.6% increase in yearly salaries for secretarial workers was approved by the school board.