
Letter: Vote for Lienhoop is vote for trash tax

From: Charlie Bryant, retired city garage employee Columbus As a registered Democrat voting Republican in the upcoming primary election, I...

Letter: 2 strong parties improves government

From: Jean Marr Wilkins Columbus We need two strong political parties. One-party rule in a country, in a...

Letter: ‘Love thy neighbor’ has yet to sink in

From: Doug Logan Columbus The promoters of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act would have us believe that they don’t want...

A note about election letters

Election letters Letters to the editor pertaining to the May 5 primary election and the candidates must be received by The Republic...

Letter: Religious suppression at work in Indiana

From: Drew Robertson Columbus Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor and theologian, was never fooled by the National Socialists’ pretensions of...

Letter: Mayor’s progress worthy of support

From: Bob Snively Columbus I will admit to being like most people in that I never paid much attention to...

Letter: Election letters note for 4-8-15 Opinion (copy) (copy)

Election letters Letters to the editor pertaining to the May 5 primary election and the candidates must be received by The Republic...

Letter: Religion bill equals legislative malpractice

From: Marilyn Hayes Columbus "FIX THIS NOW." That was the headline March 31 on The Indianapolis Star’s front-page editorial. According...

Letter: Don’t force businesses to go against beliefs

From: J. Stuart Cundiff Columbus Decades ago, when I was in basic training, the drill instructor would scream those immortal...

Letter: Clarifying amendment won’t reverse damage

From: Bob Stillwell Columbus The recent passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act has once again placed Indiana in the...