Local Opinion

Lee Hamilton: Why do politicians run for office?


If you followed this year’s elections, at some point the question probably occurred to you: Why do people do this? The endless campaign events, the constant scrutiny … and increasingly, the very real and alarming threat of political violence. What drives someone to put up with it all?

Editorial: IUPUC rebrand is more than just name change


The transformation that will happen in the coming years at IUPUC has the potential to expand and focus local educational offerings as the institution rebrands.

Brian Howey: Trump/Pence 3.0 would be a far different dynamic


In gauging the dynamic of Trump/Pence 3.0, look no further than star-struck U.S. Rep. Jim Banks, R-Indiana.

Michael Hicks: The timing of economic policy


A reader recently suggested I write about the speed with which government policy can affect the economy. I’ve only lightly touched on this topic before, but it is both timely and interesting, and rich with theory and empirics.

Editorial: The temptation to spend state’s record surplus


Fort Wayne Journal Gazette

Mary Milz: The scoop on working the polls


Throughout my 35-plus years in TV news, I covered dozens of elections but never worked the polls until Nov. 8.

Editorial: Pence’s memoir misses moment

“So Help Me God,” the title of Mike Pence’s memoir released last week, can be interpreted in a few different ways.  You could say it’s...

Leo Morris: Principles are why we vote


There is an old joke whose origins are unknown but which you have probably heard in more than one movie or TV show. P.J. O’Rourke borrowed it for the title of one of his cynical books about politics:

Quick Takes editorial: City wisely slows downtown parking plans


Apparently doing a U-turn from prior proposals for paid parking downtown and other changes, the Columbus Parking Commission instead is heading in a different direction entirely.